Because I've created this blog, some may believe that I think I have the ability to write well. Let me be the first to say, I do not ! I just want to capture some of thoughts and happenings in and around my life...put them in some kind of documentation so that when I am old, I will be able to look back and remember that I did actually have an interesting and abundant life. Will this help? Time will tell. And time is running out. For whatever reason, I feel the urgency, so I decided I cannot wait to become a good writer in order to start a blog. I've been thinking about it for a few years and have been just too intimidated .
You see I am married to a genius in the media world....he really is a "wordsmith". He's absolutely brilliant with words. And the funny thing is, I don't think my family ever heard him speak until we were married for about 12 years. It was something about my coffee....but that's a story for another time. I also have a very gifted daughter in law who is an established poet. So, even with that kind of intimidation, (unintended of course, this is all self-inflicted, they are really kind and wonderful people) I shall plod on. Hardly a week ever goes by that I don't think there is something worth writing down. Either something hilarious, or conversely, something serious, that happened in the shop with a customer, or something in life outside of the shop (I understand there IS a life out there now). Life has it's ups and downs and I think those are worth capturing here. So without further ado, and in spite of the intimidation I feel, my inadequacy with grammar, sentence structure, spelling, etc...I shall bravely press on. Here we go:
Now that I have adequately, though not eloquently, put forth my disclaimer, I can't think of a darn thing of interest to write. I will have to get back to you on this.
I am sure this will be an inspiring and entertaining blog. As I recall, you are seldom at a loss for stories! Way to step out of the comfort zone.